Stone ground flour, a water powered mill and baccala’

When we want to bake a cake, bread or pizza we just head for the shops get any flour available and don’t think much of it as long as it is the right type of flour. Isn’t flour just flour after all? Actually, it is not. My visit to a traditional mill (and you know… Continue reading Stone ground flour, a water powered mill and baccala’

Flatbreads stuffed with ham and cheese

If you came and saw my kitchen right now you would be in for a shock. Half cooked food, vegetables scattered everywhere along with fish and meat and pasta… Before I finish with one recipe I am ready to commence with another and often often there are 3 different meals cooking at the same… Continue reading Flatbreads stuffed with ham and cheese

Crunchy Baked Lemon Sole

This is a quick one. Get some fresh lemon sole fillets. If you buy the fish whole you can tell about its freshness much more easily, the skin should be shiny and the eyes should not look “tired” but clear and bright. The taste of the fish will be completely different if it is not… Continue reading Crunchy Baked Lemon Sole

Grandmas Apple Cake

A classic one here. A simple, fuss free, easy apple cake. Even my cat liked it. It nearly got wolfed down by my cheeky and greedy little fury friend.I could see her eyes getting bigger and bigger, she was ready to jump and please do not think I did not feed her as she just… Continue reading Grandmas Apple Cake

Stained Glass Window Biscuits for Valentine

I have seen these biscuits around a few times and wanted to have a go to see whether they were easy to make and how they would turn out.With Valentine approaching I decided to shape them into a heart. Very easy to make a very pretty indeed, nice to decorate your house, the sort of… Continue reading Stained Glass Window Biscuits for Valentine